"Snow egg"
coconut ice-cream with a mango sorbet centre on a grapefruit granita

Grapefruit Granita Coconut ice-cream
300 ml pink grapefruit juice 400 ml full-fat coconut milk
120 ml water 60 g caster sugar
30 g caster sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract
Guava Granita Mango sorbet
410 g (net weight) tinned pink guava halves 1 ripe mango, cut into cubes for blending
2 tsp lime juice 2 tsp lime juice

Grapefruit Granita: Whisk the ingredients until the sugar has dissolved. Place in a container and freeze. Scrape with a fork when hard to create the granita.
Guava Granita: Put the guava halves in a blender and add half of the syrup from the can. Add the lime juice and blend. Sieve the puree to remove the seeds. Freeze in a container and scrape with a fork when hard to create the granita.
Mango sorbet: Blend the mango and lime juice and then freeze in a container for about 3-4 hours. Use a fork to break up the crystals if necessary and to prevent it from freezing completely.
Coconut ice-cream: Blend all the ingredients together and churn in an ice-cream maker.
Snow egg: Prepare the granita (either grapefruit or guava), coconut ice-cream and mango sorbet. Put the coconut ice-cream in small 30mm semi-sphere silicone moulds. Smooth the surface of each sphere with a scraper. When the coconut ice-cream is firm, but not fully set, make a hole in each half sphere for the mango sorbet centre and then allow to set. Fill the holes with mango sorbet and then gently place two semi-spheres together and run your finger along the join to seal the two halves together. Put some granita into a glass and then place a snow egg on top. Enjoy!
Note: If you follow this recipe, it should be enough for at least 12 small snow eggs, about 1 ½ cups of granita and plenty of mango sorbet for the centre of the eggs, with some left over. Adjust quantities as necessary.
Annotation: This recipe is an adapted and simplified version of Peter Gilmore's 'Snow Egg'. The original recipe can be accessed at Peter Gilmore's Snow egg. The 'snow egg' in this version is made from coconut ice-cream and has a mango sorbet centre. There are two versions for the granita: either a grapefruit granita, which gives a slightly bitter, refreshing contrast to the sweeter ice-cream, or a guava granita, which is a sweeter version of the dessert.

(Dieses Rezept schickte uns Alexandra, Tochter unseres langjährigen Ulmer Nachbarn und Freundes Ulrich, im Advent 2020 aus London, und sie rechnete - eigens für uns - um in continental measure! Das Snow egg hat ihr Töchterchen Isabella, 9, hergestellt, und Sohn Max, 12, hat's fotografiert, wie er's von Profi Grandpa Ulrich, der einst Fotografie an der Uni Manchester gelehrt hatte, gelernt hat).