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ein Weihnachtsmärchen

Antoinette-Schnitten · Butterplätzchen · ButterS · Husarenkuss · Vanillekipferl
· Walnuss-Schäumchen · ein Weihnachtsmärchen

"During one night in October 2020, I dreamt of Maria's Christmas biscuits. Friedrich and Maria used to be my Dad's neighbours in Ulm and every year they would give us a lovely tin of homemade biscuits. When I woke up, I told Shaun about my dream and said that Maria's biscuits were the best German Christmas biscuits. I wondered how Maria and Friedrich were doing. By chance, Dad and my brother met them in Ulm five or six days after my dream! I then looked up Friedrich's website and saw that he had an extensive cookery resource, with over a thousand recipes. Maria had kindly included her German Christmas biscuit recipes on the website and so we were delighted to be able to make them here in England. Isabella decided that she wanted to bake the biscuits for her friends at school and couldn't wait to get started. We therefore made them right at the end of November and spent the whole day baking. We enjoyed grating the walnuts, shaping the dough and putting the jam in the middle of the biscuits. Max took photos and joined in for a short while. It has been a nice journey, which started with a dream and has culminated in the gift of giving, which is the spirit in which Maria always made them. We wish you a very happy Christmas and a healthy New Year."

(Diese Herz erwärmende Story schickte uns Alexandra, Tochter unseres langjährigen Ulmer Nachbarn und Freundes Ulrich, im Advent 2020 aus London. Im Sommer 2001 waren wir zu ihrer Hochzeit mit Shaun eingeladen, die sie im Neu-Ulmer "Mövenpick" an der Donau mit dem schönsten Blick auf Ulm feierten, und im Dez. 2011 sahen wir sie das letzte Mal mit ihren beiden Kids (Isabella war damals 6 Monate alt).
Und zu dieser Story schickte sie uns jetzt ein Foto (s.o.), das ihr Sohn Max (12) von den "Bredle" schoss, die Tochter Isabella (inzwischen 9 Jahre alt) nach Marias Rezepten gebacken hat).